Tokenized Staking

Tokenized ETH staking

The first ETH validator liquidation marketplace for institutions.

Unlock Ethereum Staking Liquidity
Northstake's Team
Validator Marketplace

Maximizing your capital efficiency and reduce your  Compliance Risk

Staking is the key differentiator

Our partners

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“We are happy to be an early testing partner with Northstake on tokenized ETH staking. Our goal is to significantly improve the capital efficiency of our ETH funds in a regulatory-compliant manner.”

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Pascal St. Jean
President 3iQ Corp
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"Northstake’s approach addresses a critical need for institutional investors, subsequently allowing institutions to participate in Ethereum staking while maintaining liquidity and adhering to regulatory requirements. This solution unlocks significant value for institutions and supports the integration of digital assets into traditional finance."

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Ruchir Gupta
Head of Options & Treasury GSR
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“We are thrilled to be part of Northstake’s innovative tokenized ETH staking initiative. Northstake’s solution perfectly complements our commitment to delivering advanced and secure financial services in the digital asset sector. We look forward to driving the broader adoption of tokenized ETH staking and supporting the institutional crypto ecosystem.”

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Michael Rabkin
Global Head of Business Development DV Chain