Crypto trading

Our trading services cover OTC, algorithmic trading and custodial market making

our Crypto trading services

Custodial Market Making
Algorithmic Trading
OTC Services


Get started with Crypto Trading

A new aligned model for market making

Custodial Market Making

Custodial market making ensures aligned incentives among market participants.

Triangle graph between Northstake, project and skynet

Algorithmic Trading strategies

These specialise in illiquid assets, iceberg strategy (breaking down the order), and target average asset price (target weighted average price).

Generic candle graph

OTC Trading

Access liquidity through a broad network of exchanges, OTC trading desks, liquidity providers and post-trade settlement services.

Graphic showing Northstake as the bridge between crypto currencies and investors




What services do you offer for cryptocurrency trading?

We have established strong partnerships with a wide network of liquidity providers and trading desks, enabling us to offer robust liquidity solutions to our clients. This network helps us maintain healthy order books and provide competitive pricing, ensuring that our clients have access to the best trading opportunities.

What is algorithmic trading, and how does it benefit your clients?

Algorithmic trading is an automated method of buying and selling crypto using software that follows predefined strategies, such as iceberg, TWAP, and VWAP strategies. This approach minimizes the impact of large trades on the market, allowing our clients, such as VCs and large token holders, to execute their transactions in a cost-effective and orderly way. We can serve any token listed on our supported exchanges, offering greater flexibility and convenience for our clients.

How does your custodial market-making service benefit Web3 projects, and why is it better than, for instance, a loan-based model?

In our custodial market-making service, Web3 projects deposit funds with us, and we manage them across multiple crypto exchanges.

We use algorithmic trading software to maintain a healthy order book, supporting token liquidity. Unlike the loan-based model, our service aligns our incentives with those of the project, reducing the risk of price manipulation and ensuring continued liquidity support even during declines in price.

Furthermore, any upside generated in this model belongs to the project, making it an attractive option for Web3 projects.

In providing algorithmic trading services and custodial market making, how do you mitigate counterparty risk?

We prioritize the security of our clients' funds by constantly monitoring the operations of the exchanges we work with. Additionally, we are in the process of integrating mirroring technologies that allow clients to use our accounts for trading on exchanges without having the exchange custodize the assets. This approach limits exposure to exchange default risks while ensuring a secure trading environment.

What is OTC spot trading, and how can I request a quote?

OTC (Over-the-Counter) spot trading is a service where clients can directly trade crypto assets with us, outside of the public exchange order book. This method is ideal for large transactions, as it minimises market impact and provides better pricing.

To request a quote, simply reach out to our trading team.

Can you explain your on-/off-ramp service for swapping crypto for fiat currencies?

Our on-/off-ramp service allows clients to seamlessly exchange their crypto for fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, DKK) and vice versa.

This service enables you to easily convert your funds without the need for multiple platforms or lengthy processes, making it convenient and efficient. We pride ourselves on offering bank wire services that are widely accepted by banks, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for our clients, which sets us apart from many other providers.

How does your network of liquidity providers and trading desks enhance your services?

We have established strong partnerships with a wide network of liquidity providers and trading desks, enabling us to offer robust liquidity solutions to our clients. This network helps us maintain healthy order books and provide competitive pricing, ensuring that our clients have access to the best trading opportunities.

Why should I choose your services for my crypto trading needs?

We prioritise our clients' interests, offering transparent and secure services tailored to the needs of VCs and large token holders, as well as Web3 projects.

Our focus on custodial market-making ensures that we maintain strong liquidity support for projects, minimising the risk of price manipulation. Additionally, our wide range of trading services, reliable bank wire services, and a strong network of liquidity providers make us a one-stop solution for all your cryptocurrency trading requirements.